“Queen of Winterwonderland” - Feli Cen’s 17th

Client: Felicia Cen
Place: Harris Hotel Gubeng Surabaya
Date: 10th January 2020

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Born in Christmas, where the world is covered with joy and snow. In this day, Feli is becoming the queen for a day.. in Winterwonderland, a place where all the people rejoice and happy. And as the queen, she is the happiest person in the world! This is Felicia Cen’s sweet seventeenth birthday party: Queen of Winterwonderland.

Menjadi ratu semalam di usia resmi menginjak sweet 17th, di sebuah kerajaan serba putih diliputi salju yang indah, membuat Feli Cen menjadi orang paling bahagia malam itu. Acara dipandu oleh duo MC yang super kocak: MC Tupang dan Maretta, dan dihibur oleh seorang DJ wanita: DJ Caca Kiem, membuat suasana malam itu begitu hepi, hidup, dan menghibur. Setiap undangan yang datang turut larut dalam kebahagiaan. Tak henti-hentinya senyum bahagia merekah di wajah Feli Cen.

Di penghujung acara, Feli juga unjuk kebolehannya menari hip hop dengan begitu apik dan luwes yang diiringi oleh Empire Dance Entertainment. Semua undangan kaget bercampur kagum. “Ternyata Feli begitu hebat ya dalam menari.. so cool!” ujar salah seorang undangan malam itu.

Lalu seperti apa kerennya “Queen of Winterwonderland” - Feli Cen’s 17th? Simak galerinya dengan klik link “Selengkapnya..” di bawah ini yaa..

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Felicia Cen's Sweet Seventeenth Birthday Party by Jetset EO Surabaya

Testimoni dari Feli Cen (bday girl):
“Koo.. sumpah keren banget! Makasih banget ya ko untuk acara kemaren. Feli hepi puol... Bener-bener deh, kalo mau acara birthday petjah dan sakses, harus pake ahlinya, ya Jetset EO ini.. Thanks yaa...”

Special thanks to: Harris Hotel Gubeng Surabaya, Fantastic Decoration, Dquinn Photo & Video, MC Tupang & Maretta, DJ Caca Kiem, Its Cake, Empire Dance Entertainment, Dreamgate Photobooth, Station One Lighting System & Special Effect, make up by Priscilla, Vivi Valencia for the beautiful gown, and made success by Jetset Event Organizer Surabaya.